Thursday, May 26, 2005


Not too much is new. A few interesting tidbits...My host mother called the police up again to see how the case with the stalker guy who stole my wallet is going. I haven't seen the guy in over a month, when I strangely ran into him in Gwangju. The cops said that they can't really make any moves on him unless he starts bothering me again. Of course, fat chance of that happening since now he's thoroughly afraid of me (I didn't do anything scary, really, just asked him for my wallet back). But the funny thing is, my host mother mentioned that a cop had seen me last weekend at some point and followed me for awhile...I guess, you know, in case the stalker chose that short span of time to emerge and start stalking me again. I think this is proof that Suncheon cops have too much time on their hands. My host mom wasn't able to get the precise details because the phone started breaking up at that point, but I'm extremely curious about when and where the cop followed me. It kind of makes me feel like I'm in a movie or something.

I went to see Episode III tonight. It was good, and by good I mean it was impressive compared to the first two episodes. Like Ewan McGregor remembered he could act for most of the movie. It was fun though, nice special effects and all that. I came home and remembered that I have a phone interview tomorrow morning with a non-profit in NE Portland, so I need to prepare a little. I'm thankful that tomorrow is Friday, as I always am, though these days the weekdays seem to sort of float by (knock on wood). I have a sneaking suspicion that what feels like a sudden onset of effortlessness may actually illustrate a further decline in my teaching skills. It's like my teaching metabolism has plummeted, and with only two months left it's going to take some concerted effort to get it back up. I blame the fact that I watched the movie Mean Girls 18 times over the past two weeks.


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